Friday, April 29, 2011

Running Date

My Mister and I had a date last night. A date to go running together. He has asked me several times in the past to go running with him, but I have always declined out of sheer terror. I  never wanted him to see how out of shape I was, how little I could run, and how out of breath and red-faced I would get. I was worried that somehow, that would make him love me less.

He has recently started to try to get into shape himself. With exercising and eating a bit better. When he asked me to go running I almost declined, but instead thought I would take a shot at it with him. I told him that I hadn't been running in 3 weeks and he knew that I wasn't as fast a runner as him with my stumpy little legs. I told him again.  We agreed to a half walk-half run of 4K. He isn't quite at a point where he can run the full thing either.

Off we went, running at the same pace- no idea what it was though. We agreed that if either of us needed to stop we would signal the other. We ran together to the agreed upon point- no problem, then walked, then started running again. After running and trying to stay at his pace, I thought I had to stop- I signaled, he signaled back- 3 more blocks. I slowed my pace, but pushed myself the last 3 blocks. We began to walk and I told him that he was faster than I and that I found it hard to keep up and compete with his regular pace of 6.0 (my pace is 5.0). I told him I would take a different route and meet up with him. I did. We finished off the run together and walked to cool down.

We talked during the cool down- I told him that even though I wasn't a top notch runner yet, I said I was proud of myself for actually getting out there. I said to him, "A year ago I would never have been able to run half of what I did today. I'm happy with that and the fact that I am getting healthier." A year ago, I would never have agreed to a run with him. I would have been too embarrassed. Now, the sweat, red face, and heavy breathing is all part of working hard to achieve my goal! They are almost like badges of honor- hard work!

Baby Steps. Baby. Steps.


No Weigh-In today!


Tomorrow guaranteed. I was running late for a breakfast meeting this morning due to sleeping in.


  1. That's so awesome of him to run with you!! And so awesome of you to run with him!! See, dates don't always have to include a trip to a restaurant. Now if only I can get my hubby to see that ;)

  2. High 5 to getting started!


  3. Woo-hoo! Great job you should be proud! I'm sure your Mr is proud of you too. It's so nice to have someone you trust to workout with!
