Monday, August 13, 2012

My less than triumphant return...

Well, I bet you thought you'd never hear from me again. Believe me. I thought about just disappearing into the darkness. But something has really made me want to get back to writing about this crazy life of gain and loss.

That's right... I said GAIN.

My last weigh-in on this blog was around 188 lbs in November. My last weigh-in that I recorded on my own was 183 lbs in mid-December. That was my lowest in a very long time. 

So, what am I weighing in at today? I'm weighing in at a shocking and embarrassing 230 lbs. It's is as close to my highest weight I want to get. I'm very disappointed in myself that I stopped weighing every week. I stopped exercising. I stopped caring about myself. That's why I am shaking myself out of this obliviousness and getting back on track.

What happened you may ask? Well, it was a hurricane of a lot of things. Since January I have gone through a horrible and humiliating break-up, moved into a new apartment, diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, began taking prescription meds, started dating a new man, got a job promotion, been dealing with the illness of a dear friend, among other everyday things.

Life is mostly on track now. I like where I am at and I'm trying to control my anxiety and eating.

I started off slowly by eating better (but not severely strict) and walking to work most days (about 35 minutes). That lasted about a week or more. Then, last week, I returned to the gym and still starting off slowly with 30 mins of cardio. I will work my way up to 1 hour. I have been on track with my calories for the last 4 days using the app and website LoseIt. Also trying to drink lots of water and green tea.

I do not have a scale at the moment as it was lost in the move. I plan to get one tonight. I am a person who can not be without a scale or go long stretches without weighing. I realize this now. I let myself get out of control.

Thanks to those of you who are still around to give me encouragement. I really appreciate your kind words and know that you know my pain of yo-yoing.

Here I am. Getting back on the horse. Wish me luck!


  1. Hey! Good to see you again! Trust me we all fall off the wagon at times. I just recently had a baby. Throughout my pregnancy I gained almost 90 pounds. Even though you're supposed to gain during pregnancy, there's no excuse to gain that much. Now I'm back blogging my way down again. So, don't be discouraged, we're all in this together! Welcome back!

  2. I'm so glad to see you back! I had a gain recently, too. Some of it was s-l-o-w and not so noticeable, and some was quick because of emotional eating after a tragedy. So I can relate to your situation.

    I'm glad that we are both back on track now, and back to regular bloggin (I hope?). :-)

  3. I'm so sorry!!! I totally understand. When so much is going whether it's awesome or heart-breaking, it's just natural for this part of our focus to slide. Glad you're back!

    ps. -- are you the one that lives in the same city as I do and emailed me a while back? I'm a dork and pretty much didn't check this email I'd set up for my blog. So sorry for the lack of reply but it was literally months after you sent it.

  4. Welcome back and thanks for commenting on my blog!Can't wait to start following along with you. Good luck!

  5. Welcome back! Good to hear that your life is back on track. I look forward to reading your blog again!! :)
