Sunday, August 14, 2011

Not So Weekly Review


Not to much to say really. I've been having a pretty rotten week. A lot of relationship woes in the last few days and mostly today. Not sure how to proceed.

I'm resisting the urge to eat for comfort. However, I'm not really eating a whole lot of anything. Feeling just ick. Been doing my regular biking to work and errands. Also got out for a little baseball yesterday.

My weight was down from last Friday, not much- but it was lower.

Feeling pretty low and unmotivated.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I just wanted to write a small post about my absenteeism this week.

If you are a regular reader, you may know that I weigh-in on Fridays and do a weekly review on Sundays. I did neither this week.

Life has been throwing me some curves in the past little while. New job. A move. Relationship woes. A car accident that landed my mother in the hospital. Familial depression and illness.

I'm really trying to keep it all together and doing a decent enough job I think. However, I have been overworking myself. Trying to prove I deserve this amazing job. Doing my housework, plus my mother's house and yard work. Fixing other people's problems and ignoring my own- as usual. I'm not so much complaining, just venting. I'm resilient and I know I can get past all this.

My eating hasn't been great. I try to keep myself in check though. I need to realize that eating doesn't solve my problems. In the long run, it just makes them worse. I know this, just need to put it into practice.

I still move myself on a regular basis- walking/biking to work and errands work related. Tennis. Yoga to calm my nerves. I even jumped on the elliptical last week! etc. I know it is not enough to lose, but it is enough to not gain. Exercise isn't really my problem- the aforementioned terrible eating habits are.

So, until I get my bearings headed in the right direction... I will try to post more often. But I can't promise it.

I'm off to the grocery store. Good fuel only in that cart. Maybe a haul later?

What do you do to battle fatigue?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Weekly Review

Today was a Canadian holiday- so today is the end of my week.

It is still hot here and very humid. My apartment is so hot that it makes me sweat just walking around. I have no A/C and only 1 fan.

I am happy to report that this week I managed to do something physical everyday. Whether it was walking, biking, or something totally new- like kayaking. I did something everyday even in the heat.

I managed to get out and do a couple of totally different things this week. One thing was kayaking, which I already talked about. The other was tennis! I have never played before and was a little discouraged because of all the running around. But, there is a court near my home. So, we got some raquets and headed out.

We were terrible! Haha. But, we had fun and it was a great workout in the sun. I hope to go again soon- maybe when the sun goes down :)

Eating was pretty good this week with the exception of Wednesday. I binged on gummie bears and BBQ almonds. No, it wasn't worth it and I had to see the red OVER symbol on my calorie counting app.

Last Week's Goals
1) Get on Elliptical- :( I looked at it... but did not use her.
2) Yoga 1x (yep), Strength 2x (yep), Run 1x (not this week)
3) Track- yep! Only once did I go over 1600 this week

Next Week's Goals
1) A Loss on the scale
2) Yoga 1x, Strength 2x, Run 1x
3) Get on the elliptical at least once

Have a great week everyone!